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Daipayan Nair 

Image by Afif Kusuma


on empty peanut shells —

train vendor's cry

back from work...

men around a heap

of crushed sugarcanes

sugarcane 1.jpg
Image by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE

beach walk —

a child measures

his dad's footmark

Chennai city bus —

the dry jasmines

in her gajra

gajra 3.jpg
gola 4_edited.jpg

ice gola cart –

each couple selects

a different flavour

Daipayan Nair.jpg

Hailing from the city of Silchar, Assam, India, Daipayan Nair is a haiku poet. He writes micropoetry, mostly haiku and tanka poems. His works have been featured in various international platforms and weekly columns like Haiku Dialogue of The Haiku Foundation, Haiku in Action of Nick Virgilio Haiku Association and FreshOutMag. He has also been published in Haikuniverse, Cold Moon Journal, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Triya Mag journal, Failed haiku – a journal of English Senryu, and the prestigious monthly of haikuKATHA from Triveni Haikai India.

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